
Cleaning gutters several times a year is essential to prevent roof leaks or basement flooding. While it’s relatively simple to clean out gutters, there’s still an element of risk involved; knowing how to stay safe during this task as well as how to protect your gutters is essential. Here’s a rundown of the necessary guidelines.

How to Stay Safe While Cleaning Your Gutters

1. Watch for Power Lines

Never clean gutters that are near loose or exposed power lines, especially if it’s raining. Call a licensed electrician to have the wiring fixed immediately. You should also refrain from using a metal ladder when cleaning gutters near power lines. Choose a fiberglass ladder instead to minimize the risk of electrocution since metal conducts electricity.

2. Use a Stable Ladder

Choose a sturdy ladder without any rusting or broken rungs. Inspect it before using it, and make sure there are no loose parts, defects, or dents. Then, set it down on level and solid ground. Come back down if you feel the ladder wobbling, and move it to somewhere sturdier.

3. Work With a Buddy

Never clean your gutters alone. It’s best if you have a buddy who can hold the ladder steady and inform you if they see anything abnormal from their perspective. They can also help in an emergency and call for immediate assistance if there is an accident.

4. Wear Gloves & Goggles

guttersProtective gear is vital when working around the house. Wear thick work gloves for an extra layer of protection against sharp metal pieces, animal waste, and debris. You should also have a pair of goggles on hand to protect your eyes against injuries.

5. Use the Proper Tools

You can clean your gutters quickly and efficiently with the right tools. Use a bucket secured with a lanyard to hold the debris and a plastic scooping tool to remove leaves easily. A hose with a pistol handle is also essential. You can control the amount of water you spray while leaving your other hand free to steady yourself.


Improve your home’s exterior with Trim-Co Exteriors. Based in Winder, GA, this general contractor offers various services like vinyl siding, aluminum gutters, and construction of sunrooms and decks. For quality work at affordable prices, check out their website or call (770) 867-8625.
