
Whether you’re working on a business plan or conducting business strategy in real time for an established company, there are many different arenas to consider as you strive for maximum efficiency and success. A periodic appraisal of how your organization is handling each sector of business is a recipe for swift improvement. Here’s a rundown of key areas that always deserve more thought and attention.

Sectors of Business Strategy to Focus On

1. Talent

Every business wants to bring in a high caliber of expertise, which helps raise standards of productivity, elevates creativity, and increases efficiency. With the right business strategy, you can start positioning your company as a more attractive destination for recruits.

2. Processes

All companies have a different way of executing projects and tasks. By giving those processes a closer look, you can identify weaknesses and strengths, making procedures easier to follow for everyone involved.

business strategy3. Organization

What is the structure of your business? Whether the culture is more hierarchical or flat, some deep thinking can evaluate if improvements can make employees feel more empowered while also bolstering team cohesion.

4. Client Relationships

As the lifeblood of your company, clients must be venerated and closely monitored. By assessing every aspect of your relationship with these parties, you can create deeper connections and spur increased loyalty from customers.

5. Optics

How you appear to outside competitors, clients, and potential customers lies at the heart of business strategy. A review will assess your social media presence, PR efforts, and web optics. With the right attention to detail and consideration, you’ll present an alluring image to anyone who takes an interest.


If you’re looking to bolster your business strategy or plan, get in touch with a trusted business consultant like Yancey Consulting in St. Louis, MO. This business advisor has over two decades of experience and can teach you how to do everything from improving your vision to increasing the employee retention rate. To set up an initial consultation, call (314) 614-7542. Learn more on the website.
