
When it comes to differentiating between diesel and kerosene — and what those differences mean for you — it takes an expert to answer your questions. Luckily, the professionals at Monroe Oil Company fit the bill. With over 75 years of experience providing clients in the Rochester, NY, area with house heating oil, you can certainly call them experts in this particular area. They’ve got the know-how and attractive heating fuel prices to keep you and your loved ones warm all year long.

Kerosene and diesel are certainly not the same thing. If you don’t have a background in this area, you may not know exactly why, or which one is best as a house heating oil. Kerosene is frequently used in homes and various other buildings, and it has been in use for centuries now. With numerous applications, including use as a jet fuel and source of lighting, it’s very versatile and can be used as a heating fuel.

house heating oilDiesel, on the other hand, is typically thought of as fuel for motor vehicles. However, house heating oil is remarkably similar to diesel fuel. In fact, diesel fuel can be used to heat a home, though due to issues with taxation, it may be more costly to do so. The best way to truly understand your options when choosing between kerosene or diesel is to get in touch with professionals with experience in the industry to answer your questions.

Thankfully, Rochester-based Monroe Oil Company has spent decades offering quality service and affordable heating fuel prices. When it comes to house heating oil, they know the best uses of kerosene, diesel, and other options. To learn more about how their oil heating services can keep you warm this year, visit them online or call (585) 244-4080 today.
