
With summer coming to a close, now is the perfect time to start preparing for the colder months of fall and winter. According to Monroe Oil Company, winterizing your home in advance with keep mechanical issues at bay and help maximize your home’s energy efficiency. Here, this home heating company lists three of the best ways to warm up your humble abode.

3 Ways to Winterize Your Home Heating Setup

1. Schedule a Tuneup

For your family to enjoy a safe and comfortable winter, they’ll need to be able to come home to a reliably toasty living space each day. Unfortunately, mechanical issues with your home heating oil system can throw a wrench in the coziest of plans. To prevent sudden breakdowns or the ineffective distribution of heat, schedule a tuneup for your system before the temperature starts dropping. A professional inspection will dig up any hidden, internal issues your system may be experiencing.

2. Reverse Ceiling Fans

home heatingBecause of the angle at which fan blades are tilted, they operate differently depending on the direction in which they spin. If you look up at a fan that’s spinning counter-clockwise, the blades are blowing air downwards, cooling off the room. By reversing the fan's direction in the winter so that it turns clockwise at a low speed, the updraft will lift cool air, sending warm air down back down.

3. Get a Roof Inspection

Another way to gear up for the winter is to ensure your home is not letting precious warm air seep out. Since hot air rises, if your attic and roofing are not well-insulated, they’ll allow your home heating system’s work to go to waste. Luckily, a professional inspector can identify drafty areas or weak points in your roof’s insulation layer, so you can keep warm air inside where it belongs.

If you’re ready to winterize your home heating setup, get in touch with Monroe Oil Company of Rochester, NY. With over 75 years of experience, they have the skills and experience to help you weather the upcoming cold. For more information on their home heating oil services, including convenient deliveries, visit the website. You can also call (585) 244-4080 to speak with a friendly staff member about your options.
