
Homeowners with fuel-powered furnaces or boilers can choose from a variety of fuels, but kerosene and gas oil are among the most common. While it’s easy to assume that all home heating oils are equal, this isn’t always the case, which is why it’s essential for homeowners to understand the differences, advantages, and disadvantages of each option.  Here is a quick guide to the differences between kerosene and gas oil. 

Should You Use Kerosene or Gas Oil to Fuel Your Furnace?


Kerosene is often considered one of the best home heating oils. Because of the way it’s refined, it burns cleaner than gas oil, and it’s more efficient and longer lasting. It also won’t turn into a gel during the winter months like gas oil can. Kerosene is an affordable fuel option and costs less than gas oil. Additionally, most modern furnaces and boilers are designed to use kerosene.  

Gas Oil

keroseneGas oil is refined from crude oil and has similar properties to diesel fuel used in automobiles. Not all heating units can be fueled with gas oil, and some will require expensive adjustments to be able to use it. Gas oil works best for homes that have indoor fuel tanks, while kerosene is a better option for homes with outdoor tanks. Gas oil is not as readily available as kerosene, which can drive up its price.


Do you need home heating oil to fuel your furnace or boiler this winter? Contact the heating oil specialists at Monroe Oil Company, located in Monroe County, NY. They are known for delivering quality products at an affordable price. They have been supplying homes and businesses in the Rochester area with kerosene and other home heating oils for more than 75 years. Call (585) 244-4080 to schedule a delivery, or visit their website to learn more about their products and services. 
