
Kerosene is becoming increasingly popular in modern homes. It’s largely used to power cooking appliances or as an alternative to heating oil, and it offers a variety of benefits. If you’re thinking about utilizing this cost-effective fuel, here are a few reasons to make the switch.

Why Use Kerosene?

1. Eco-Friendly

Kerosene is a clean-burning fuel source. Gas, by comparison, produces more contaminants that contribute to pollution. When used on stoves for cooking purposes, the substance is simply vaporized and combined with oxygen to produce an efficient burn that heats the food.

2. Cost-Effective

keroseneCompared to heating products like gas and propane, this fuel is more inexpensive. It doesn’t require an electrical connection to switch on—you only need a match—so it won’t consume excessive energy and drive up your utility costs in the process. If you use propane for cooking, you’ll receive less in return for your investment than if you use kerosene, which produces more energy for less money.

3. Long-Lasting

With kerosene, you don’t need to take special measures to store it like many other fuels. The substance will stay good for at least a year in a plastic receptacle, and it can last for up to a decade when stored in a metal container (as long as the receptacle doesn’t get rained on). Be mindful of the weather, however; extreme rain or sunshine can affect the fuel’s efficiency and life expectancy. Store it in a dry, well-ventilated location for the best results. Also, use a metal container that won’t rust easily. 


Homeowners throughout Monroe County, Ontario County, and Wayne County, NY, trust Monroe Oil Company for all of their kerosene and heating oil needs. They have served the community since 1901, and they’re proud to continue offering excellent customer service and high-quality fuel products. For more information, visit this oil delivery company online. Call (585) 244-4080 to speak to a member of their team. 
