
Freezing temperatures may have caused an outdoor pipe to burst this winter, and if you left any hoses connected to an outdoor faucet, it's even more likely. You want to identify any leaks in your outdoor plumbing early in the spring, so your outdoor facilities work efficiently. Look for the signs below that your home has an outdoor plumbing leak.

3 Ways to Identify Outdoor Faucet Leaks

1. Pooling Water

If you notice pooling water in your yard while the rest of your property is dry, it could be a sign of a leak. The grass around this area may also be greener due to receiving more nourishment. Check that your outdoor spigot isn't slowly dripping water that's creating these small puddles. It's possible your faucet is either worn with age, or it suffered frost damage from the winter which weakened its pipes or spigot.

2. Visible Damage


Constant running water eventually erodes the surface it touches, even if the material is highly resilient to the outdoor elements. Your outdoor faucet leak can slowly wear away at the concrete of your house, loosening the rock slabs and forming cracks. This damage can weaken the entire foundation, compromising the structure of your home. You may need assistance from both a plumber and an exterior contractor to fully address this issue.

3. Higher Utility Bills

If your utility bill suddenly jumps up in price, but you haven't been using more water than usual, it could be due to a leak. If your interior plumbing fixtures appear in good condition, you should check for an outside plumbing leak. One of your outdoor faucets may be slowly dripping day and night, gradually adding up to a costly water bill. A professional plumber can determine where the leak's source is located and perform the necessary repairs.


If one of the outdoor faucets on your property has a plumbing leak, Keefe Plumbing Company offers plumbing services throughout Chattanooga, TN. With more than 70 years of experience, this plumber is licensed, bonded, and insured, ensuring your satisfaction with their work. They offer 24/7 emergency services and use the latest technology to diagnose your issues and find budget-friendly solutions. Visit their website to learn more about detecting plumbing leaks, or call (423) 622-3178 to schedule an appointment.
