
Plaque is a sticky biofilm that can contribute to a host of oral health issues. Thankfully, you can keep plaque—and the problems it can cause—at bay by brushing, flossing, and scheduling regular teeth cleanings. Learn more about combatting plaque below so you can achieve optimal oral health. 

What Causes Plaque?

Comprised of microbes and a sticky polymer coating, dental plaque forms when saliva and food particles mix. Whenever you eat, bacteria deposits are left behind, and the sticky film helps them adhere to the teeth. While initially soft, plaque can harden into tartar as it draws minerals out of the teeth.

How Does Plaque Impact Oral Health?

If left unchecked, plaque can affect the delicate balance of bacteria in the mouth. If certain strains of bacteria become too abundant—like those that produce acid when they feed off food particles—tooth decay can occur. 

Plaque that hardens into tartar is also problematic. Should the tartar make its way below the gum line, inflammation can develop. Also called gingivitis, this is the first stage of periodontal disease. If it’s not addressed, the disease can progress, pulling the gums away from the teeth and giving bacteria access to the underlying bone. 

How Can You Prevent Plaque?

teeth cleaningThe most effective way to keep plaque and tartar from accumulating on the teeth is by brushing and flossing diligently. Dentists recommend brushing after every meal and flossing at least once a day.

You should also schedule professional cleaning to address any hard-to-reach places and prevent gingivitis. Finally, limit your consumption of foods high in simple sugars and starch, which tend to leave the most plaque behind. 


When you’re due for a teeth cleaning, head to St. Clair Dental Center. Led by Dr. Richard Wells Mittelstadt, who’s been in the field for nearly 40 years, this practice is proud to serve families across Anchorage, AK. At their state-of-the-art facility, they’re equipped to offer a broad range of services, from simple teeth cleanings to more complicated restorative procedures. To explore all that they do, visit their website. To make an appointment, call (907) 272-9214. 
