
Smiling is how individuals express happiness, so it's no wonder people want to show a genuine, joyful expression in front of a photographer. However, posing naturally for the camera doesn't come easy for everyone. With the guide below, find out how you can look confident and happy in all your pictures.

How to Smile More Naturally in Photos

1. Don't Force It

In a picture, it's easy to distinguish if a smile looks forced. When feeling uncomfortable in front of a photographer, take a few deep breaths and relax your facial muscles. This process will allow your tension to ease, as well as avoid squinting before the shot gets taken. Once you feel more relaxed, a genuine smile will come more naturally.

2. Practice in the Mirror


Before taking the plunge and smiling for a photographer, practice in front of a mirror. Although it can feel awkward, it will help you get comfortable with the picture-taking process. Try out different smiles, and you'll eventually notice which one feels natural. 

This practice will ensure you know how to position your lips and teeth for the best results. It will also help you connect how you look and feel.

3. Use Props

Sometimes, a prop can help you relax and be more comfortable with the camera. If you're having trouble smiling on cue, hold an item that makes you happy in your hands. The belonging can be a toy, jewelry piece, or even a pet—whatever it is, it should bring back warm memories. As the photo gets taken, think of this object.

4. Take Your Time

Rushing through a shoot will only result in awkward-looking pictures. If you're stressed, relax by thinking of an item or person you like or ask the photographer to make a joke. Walk away for a few moments if needed. After alleviating any anxieties, you can take your time posing for the camera and enjoying the moment.


For a photographer who will bring out the best in you, visit studio ONE in Highlands Ranch, CO. They provide a beautiful space with 1,300 square feet of natural light to snap memorable shots, available for rent by the hour or the day. Owner Christina Poppleton will also work with you to create remarkable pictures. Visit them online to learn more about their studio rates, or call (720) 480-6783 to schedule a session. 
