Your 20s are an important and formative part of your life. You can typically bounce back easily from injury in your younger years, but forming positive habits will help keep you in good health in the coming decades. In addition to visiting your primary care physician, there are some best practices for staying healthy in your 20s. Below are three considerations to make.
3 Positive Actions to Take in Your 20s
1. Develop Your Sleep Hygiene
Your primary care physician is likely to stress the importance of getting enough sleep. Sleep is important to make sure that your brain is able to recoup from the day's stresses and challenges, and function on the next day. It's also tied to better moods and stress reduction. Work towards having the same bedtime and waking up every night and day to develop a regular schedule. Avoid looking at screens such as phones and computers right before bed, as this can suppress hormones important for keeping your sleep cycle in check.
2. Avoid Tobacco and Excessive Alcohol Consumption
Avoiding harmful substances is essential for any part of your life, but opportunities for exposure can be greater in your younger years. Tobacco products increase your risk of developing cancer, and damage done in your 20s may not take effect until later in your life.
Alcohol can have devastating consequences as well, such as causing liver damage. Consuming either of these substances can become habitual as well, which will carry you beyond your 20s. If you drink, do so in moderation.
3. Protect Your Mental Health
Your health goes beyond what your body is doing. Mental health is important for staying healthy and happy. Feel empowered and encouraged to seek help from a mental health professional when you feel you need it. Keep track of your stress levels and develop ways to recognize when they are too high, as well as develop techniques for lowering that stress.
If you're looking for a primary care physician, contact HDR Healthcare Network in Bronx, NY. They provide ambulatory care, sports physicals, cardiological services, and more. Whether you need check-ups, urgent care, or a medical clinic, they can help. Call (929) 256-5005 or visit the website for more information about their services.