Should You Rinse Out Containers Before Recycling Them?
Recycling can help your local community and mitigate the use of the planet’s limited resources. However, many people aren’t aware of the proper recycling practices. For example, you might be unsure if you need to rinse out your containers before putting them in your bins.
Types of Recycling
Some facilities utilize single-stream recycling, where paper, plastic, and aluminum don’t need to be separated. Because the materials are mixed into one area, it’s especially important to clean out containers before they’re recycled.
For example, an aluminum can that once held tomato sauce could leak onto other materials like paper or cardboard. Once contaminated, paper products can’t be recycled and will instead be sent to the landfill. Even in dual-stream recycling — where trash is separated into common categories like paper, plastic, and aluminum — cleaning your containers is important to avoid contamination.
How Clean Should the Material Be?
Cleaning a container can be as simple as filling it with warm water and a drop or two of soap, swirling it around, and dumping the liquid into the sink. There doesn’t have to be any scrubbing involved, and the result doesn’t have to be spotless.
As a general rule, turn the container upside down and see if any particles run down the sides. If they don’t, the container is clean enough to be recycled. Even some residual soap suds are acceptable. Try to keep soap and water away from paper and cardboard. The moisture makes them heavier and harder to recycle, and greasy pizza boxes or take-out containers can’t be recycled at all.
Other Benefits
If food particles are left in containers, they may get other visitors before the trash disposal professionals arrive. Rats and raccoons can sniff the scraps and eat the leftover food. Clean containers will prevent pesky pests from rummaging through your garbage.
Reducing food odors isn’t just helpful for keeping pests away, but it also keeps your community clean. Even if it’s only outside for a day or two, a container with rotting food can cause foul odors to linger even after the trash is gone.
When you’re looking to recycle, let Niederhaus Refuse in Lincoln, NE, help. For nearly a century, this family-owned garbage collection service has helped homes and businesses get rid of their waste responsibly. For more information, visit them online or call (402) 475-8361.