
Known for its accessibility and affordability, propane is one of the most versatile fuels you can use at home. However, this advantage comes with a few caveats. Since it is flammable, it must always be handled with care, especially around the house. If you’re unfamiliar with this fuel, take note of the following facts and safety procedures. 

What to Know About Home Propane Use


propanePropane is incredibly versatile. It can be used for powering cooking appliances, furnaces, water heaters, and electrical generators. In the US, it’s easy to find and much of it is even produced in the country. If you’re wondering about its impact on nature, know that it’s more environmentally friendly than other popular fuels.


Due to their flammability, propane tanks should always be kept in shady, well-ventilated areas outside of the home—at least five feet from any windows or doors. It should also be placed far from any heat sources like an outdoor fire pit or grill. Avoid leaving it next to flammable objects, like wooden furniture or shrubbery, as well. No matter how empty and spacious your garage or basement seems, tanks should never be kept in an enclosed room.

Additional Safety Tips

One key safety tip is knowing how to detect a leak and establishing an emergency plan. On its own, propane has no scent, but companies add a pungent, skunk-like odor to the supply to make it easier for customers to notice a problem.

If you notice this smell, put out any open flames if it’s safe to do so. Afterward, shut off the gas supply from the tank and direct everyone outside. Notify the propane company and the fire department.  Lastly, if you have children, make sure they understand that these tanks and the connected appliances are not toys and should never be used or touched unless by an adult. 


Whether you’re using it for heating or cooking, if you need propane for your home, you can rely on Owens Energy. Based in Show Low, AZ, they’re trusted by homeowners and businesses alike for propane deliveries, repairs, and maintenance. They even offer 24/7 emergency services. For pricing and service information, visit their website or call them today at (928) 537-8900.
