
If your car were a human body, its battery would be the heart, supplying the energy to keep the engine breathing and the vehicle in motion. Therefore, it’s important to keep this component at the top of your auto maintenance checklist. If you’re wondering how you can preserve the life span of your battery during the warmest months of the year, take advantage of these helpful tips.

3 Auto Maintenance Pointers for Avoiding a Dead Battery

1. Lower the Temperature

The heat will cause car batteries to deteriorate faster, but you can’t control the weather outside. To lower the temperature of your vehicle, park in a cool, shaded area. Use your garage instead of your driveway, and park under a tree in a commercial lot, even if it means a longer walk to the store. To prevent the engine from overheating, turn off the ignition instead of idling it if you’re waiting to pick someone up.

2. Clean It Up

auto maintenanceOver time, contaminants in engine oil can accumulate around the battery. Unfortunately, these substances trap heat energy and raise the temperature of this vital auto part. To prevent your car battery from dying prematurely, pop the hood at least once a week, and wipe it down with a dry cloth.

3. Avoid Power Drains

In addition to starting the engine, the battery also supplies power to the electrical components throughout your car. Unfortunately, even leaving a reading light on overnight could drain the battery by morning. With this in mind, make sure all lights are off before heading inside for the night and refrain from using on-board navigation systems or charging your phone in your vehicle on hot days.


If you’re still having battery troubles despite following these auto maintenance tips, get in touch with Sumida’s Auto Repair in Honolulu, HI. This trusted mechanic offers everything from transmission service to exhaust repair, and they’ll ensure your vehicle’s powerhouse is in pristine condition. They’re proud to specialize in Mercedes© and Toyota© vehicles, and they’re staffed by ASE-certified technicians. Visit the website to view their services, or call (808) 533-2994 to speak with a specialist about your vehicle’s auto maintenance needs.
