
A whole house water filtration system does more than filter your drinking water. Installed directly to your home's main water line, it filters impurities from all water that enters your plumbing, including your bath water and water appliances. Even though they're complex to install, these filtration systems offer numerous benefits, especially for homes that rely on water well services.

Why You Should Include a Filtration System As Part of Your Water Well Services

1. Your Drinking Water Will Be Safer

water well services

Private well owners must provide their own maintenance, and over time, wells can become contaminated by bacteria and viruses through such events as flooding, corroded well casings, and improper installation. An entire house filtration system can filter your water well by removing unwanted sediments, bacteria, and viruses from your drinking supply. 

2. Your Plumbing System Will Last Longer

Did you know the minerals in water can build up over time and affect your home's pipes, washing machine, dishwasher, faucets, and drains? Hard water contains excess minerals that can cause clogs to develop, and motorized parts in your appliances can experience built-up residue and need repair from excessive wear and tear. With a filtration system in place, your pipes are only exposed to soft water, prolonging their life span.

3. It Improves Taste & Smell

Water wells can become contaminated in various ways, and your household water supply can have a slight odor or a strange flavor when bacteria or contaminants enter your plumbing system. Iron, mercury, and lead can create a metallic taste or smell. When removed, your drinking water tastes its best.


If you're interested in installing a whole house water filtration system, the experts at Elberta Pump Repair & Well Drilling Inc in Alabama can help. For nearly 20 years, they have specialized in water well services, including pump repairs and drilling for new wells. Most of their services come with a one-year warranty. Visit their website for a complete list of services, or call (251) 986-3055 to schedule a consultation.
