
As a business owner in Hastings, MN, you understand how important it is to build relationships with others in the area. Getting involved with the Hastings Chamber of Commerce is one of the best ways to find mentors, become a leader, and help reinforce a strong community. If you’re looking to get involved but aren’t sure where to start, use this guide as a helpful tool.

Why Should I Become a Member?

Becoming a member of the Hastings Chamber of Commerce is a fantastic way to build up a pillar of support, be a contributing business member in the community, and stay informed about the local economy. As a member, you can connect with other business owners, local community leaders, and elected officials.

Take advantage of a variety of events hosted by the bureau and build your relationships in person. A stronger influence in the community means your business can generate leads and grow, whether it be sales or workforce.

How Do I Join? 

chamber-of-commerce-MNTo become a member, you can fill out a form online with all of your business and personal information. Membership rates are based on the number of people you employ and whether they are full-time or part-time.

When you make your count, know that it takes two part-time employees to equal one full-time. There are also special rates for real estate and insurance agents, non-profits, and financial institutions.

Are There Other Options for Community Engagement?

Joining the chamber of commerce isn’t the only way you can get involved with your local community. If you’re looking for other ways to stay engaged and meet like-minded individuals, join a task force or committee, such as the Women Inspiring Women group or the Tourism Bureau Board of Advisors. There are numerous opportunities for business owners and leaders to get involved around Hastings.


If you’re just starting a business in Dakota County, then check out Visit Hastings MN for different ways to get involved. To build your brand and trust in the community, join the chamber of commerce and tourism bureau. With a variety of events and helpful tools at your disposal, you can become a better community member and business owner. Help support other local restaurants, shops, and community events by signing up online or calling (651) 437-7740 for more information.
