
"Tidy as you go" is as much a rule for construction cleanup as it is for keeping a fresh and organized home. While the grit and dust of building are impossible to eliminate entirely in the middle of a project, staying on top of cleaning tasks will make the final wrap-up quicker and easier. A clean site also reduces health and safety hazards, keeping everyone on the crew safer. Here are some simple strategies for maintaining an orderly site.

How to Keep a Job Site Safe & Clean

1. Plan for Waste Disposal

If there isn’t an obvious trash system in place, the impulse to just toss waste to one side can take over. Before starting, designate an area for dumpsters and recycling bins. This space should be convenient to the site and kept easily accessible throughout working hours. 

Use labels to mark where each type of waste product should be placed, and make sure all workers on the site are familiar with the system. Train them to pause at the end of each task to clear away any unused materials. 

2. Keep Dust Under Control

construction cleanup

The amount of dust produced during a build is one of the biggest construction cleanup headaches. Careful management can cut down on how much dust is produced and restrict its spread across the site. As both a cleaning strategy and for health reasons, have workers avoid performing tasks in tight spaces. If they’re working in the open air, any dust they create will naturally disperse.  

In waterproof areas, use a light spray of liquid on cutting blades. This will weigh residue down before it blows into the air. For other spaces, lay down plastic sheeting. Once the dust has settled, these sheets can be pulled up and shaken clean outside. 

3. Stay Organized Daily

It’s hard to clean when there are tools on every surface. Make sure each piece of equipment on the site has an assigned home base. The tool should be returned to this space whenever it isn’t in use. Doing this will make it easier to spot any areas where large amounts of dirt or debris are accumulating. It also aids in workplace safety and efficiency, which can improve employee morale. 


If you need help with construction cleanup, turn to VesCo Residential Cleaning in Maineville, OH. Whether you’re looking for end-of-project deep cleaning or periodic tidying throughout a build, this team of professionals will leave the space spotless. A locally owned and operated business, they work with clients across the Mason, West Chester, and Cincinnati communities. Call (513) 683-8888 to request a free construction cleanup estimate or learn more about their deep-cleaning services online
