
Your thyroid gland produces and regulates hormones essential to various bodily functions, like metabolizing food and maintaining body temperature. Hypothyroidism refers to a medical condition in which the body produces insufficient thyroid hormone. Here’s some information about this illness and how holistic treatments can help.

A Guide to Understanding Hypothyroidism

What causes hypothyroidism?

The most common cause of hypothyroidism is an autoimmune disorder in which your body's immune system attacks the thyroid. Other possible causes include thyroid surgery, in which part of the gland was removed, medications like lithium, and radiation therapy of the head and neck. Less common causes include pregnancy or iodine deficiency. 

What are the symptoms?

holistic treatmentSigns of hypothyroidism include fatigue, constipation, increased sensitivity to cold, a puffy face, weight gain, muscle aches, and stiff joints. Some people may also experience thinning hair, depression, and an enlarged thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism can be diagnosed with a blood test.

How can hypothyroidism be treated?

The treatment for hypothyroidism varies depending on the cause. Patients can take synthetic thyroid hormones orally. A holistic treatment approach may also include measures such as dietary changes and the administration of natural botanicals like ashwagandha, which has been shown to improve thyroid function in some patients.

What can you do to prevent hypothyroidism?

Since causes of hypothyroidism vary and are not always avoidable, there is no surefire way to prevent this condition. The best practice is to be aware of the causes and symptoms and to see a healthcare professional if you suspect you’re at risk. The sooner you’re diagnosed, the sooner you can pursue corrective measures.


For the holistic treatment of diverse conditions, including hypothyroidism, visit the Center For The Healing Arts of Westport, CT. If you’re interested in alternative medical options to improve your health, they can help. Robban A. Sica, MD, works with patients to find an organic path towards healing for each person's unique body and energy. In-house services include IV therapy, dietary supplement counseling, and more. Learn about their holistic treatment programs online or call (203) 799-7733 to schedule an appointment.
