
With spring in full swing, it's the perfect time to get outside, dust off your lawn and garden supplies, and get your hands dirty. However, a garden that will thrive throughout the hot months requires some proactive care. Whether you're growing flowers for curb appeal or veggies for cookouts, here's a look at how to ensure success.

A Summer Prep Guide for Your Garden

1. Check Current Conditions 

Before you begin any work, take some time to assess the current condition of your garden and landscaping. Determine if the winter weather caused any damage, if there are signs of pest infestations, or if there are areas of the lawn that need revitalizing. 

While performing this inspection, don't forget to check your fences, trellises, and garden beds for any signs of damage as well. If you notice any issues, make a list of everything you need before heading to your local hardware store. 

2. Tidy the Landscaping 

Once you've got everything you need, it's time to start tidying up the landscaping. Start by pruning the shrubs around your home. Try to only remove dead or damaged wood and use your pruners to shape shrubbery according to your landscaping goals. 

lawn & garden supplies

Doing so can help encourage new growth for the summer. You should also spend some time putting your lawn and garden supplies to use for up-close work. Clean out your beds, optimize hygiene in the garden, and pull out any early signs of weeds. 

3. Prepare the Soil

Next, you'll want to enrich the soil around your garden to maximize the nutrients available to your flowers and plants. You can check the current health of your garden with a soil test kit, and then add minerals as needed. 

Another great way to ensure the health of your garden lasts for the season is to add a top layer of compost. This can be purchased at your local hardware store, or you can make your own using food scraps throughout the year. This is a great way to boost the growth of your vegetable garden and keep flowers fertilized.  

4. Plant Your Favorite Flowers

Finally, it's time to plant your favorite flowers, fruits, and vegetables for the season. Be strategic about where you choose to place each option, and if there are any shrubs that have outgrown their current space, consider transplanting them to a new location in your landscape. For a healthy garden, try to choose flowers and plants that thrive in your geographic area. You can also spruce up your patio or deck with colorful containers. 


If you need some new lawn and garden supplies to get your landscape ready for summer, stop by Sentinel Hardware in Ashland, MO. This local hardware store stocks equipment and supplies from trusted brands, so you have everything you need to revitalize your yard. Whether you need power tools and paint or hedge clippers and lights, their staff is ready to answer your questions and give you the guidance you need. For more information on their inventory, visit their website or call (573) 657-2164 to learn more about the store.
