
Before activating your furnace for another season, schedule an inspection with your HVAC contractor to resolve any issues. This helps avoid midseason breakdowns and maintains the system through the coldest nights of the year. Get started on your furnace education by learning about some of the most common issues heating systems experience.

Widespread Furnace Problems to Look For

1. Clogged Filter

A furnace’s air filter collects dust and other particles so that they don’t circulate throughout the house and decrease indoor air quality. Over time, the filter becomes clogged and restricts system airflow, causing the furnace to work much harder to heat your home. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions regarding filter cleaning and replacement while keeping factors such as pet hair and dander in mind. This helps avoid premature furnace wear and higher energy bills.

2. Odors

Furnaces typically give off burning odors when they first turn on due to residual combustion chamber dust. If burning smells persist, change the filter to prevent dust and dirt from making motor contact.

Other odors require an HVAC contractor’s attention; if you smell sulfur or a rotten-egg scent, for example, there might be a gas leak, and you should turn off the appliance until a technician arrives. Do the same if you smell electrical burning odors—these can indicate worn bearings or other internal issues that can melt wires and start fires.

3. Malfunctioning Thermostat

A thermostat on the wrong setting delivers too little or too much heat and can increase energy bills. The furnace may fail to work at all if the thermostat is damaged or faulty because it’s misreading the temperature and not delivering heat when it should. If adjusting the thermostat doesn’t solve your problem, contact an HVAC contractor.

hvac contractors4. Ignition Issues

Newer gas furnaces feature hot surface ignitors instead of pilot lights to trigger heat distribution. Electricity heats the ignitor when the furnace turns on instead of continually burning gas like pilot systems. Despite their efficiency, these thin metal components eventually wear out. Their safety switches can also break, among other problems, all of which require professional attention to avoid days without heat.


Work with the HVAC contractors at Houston Plumbing & Heating to keep your furnace in top condition for years. The experienced technicians serving Newark, OH, and the surrounding regions offer 24/7 availability as well as customized heating and cooling solutions. Call (740) 763-3961 for a free estimate, or visit the website for service details.
