
As some of the smallest vehicles on the road, motorcycles are especially vulnerable to accidents, which can be caused by even minor mistakes on the part of other motorists. If you inadvertently cause a motorcycle accident, the other party’s injury lawyer may be able to hold you financially responsible for their medical bills, lost wages, and other damages. While accidents may sometimes be unavoidable, the tips below will help you share the road safely.

3 Tips for Preventing Motorcycle Accidents

1. Leave Extra Space

Because they’re so much smaller and lighter, motorcycles can stop faster than any passenger vehicle. If a biker slams on the brakes, you might not be able to stop in time, even if you think you’re following at a safe distance. At a minimum, leave a four-second gap between your car and the motorcycle in front of you. However, you might want to give bikers even more room if you’re traveling at high speeds or in bad weather.

2. Turn Carefully

injury lawyerAlmost half of all fatal motorcycle accidents are caused by cars making a left-hand turn. If you’re waiting to make a left turn, be wary of short gaps in the traffic where a motorcycle could be riding and wait until you have a clear field of view.

3. Always Check Your Blind Spots

The blind spot on many vehicles can hide an SUV, so a small motorcycle can easily go unnoticed. Actually turning to look before changing lanes can prevent accidents, save lives, and protect your assets from an injury lawyer’s claims.


If you’ve been the victim of a careless driver, the injury lawyers at Peck & Peck Attorneys At Law will advocate for your rights and ensure you’re fairly compensated for your losses. With over 60 years of combined experience representing victims in Hartford, CT, this law office has the expertise and resources to build the strongest case possible. To speak with an injury lawyer and schedule a consultation today, call their offices at (860) 236-4782 or visit them online
