
From minor arguments with friends and family members to approaching deadlines, you can accumulate a fair amount of stress in daily life. Exercising will help combat negative emotions. When looking at ways to break a sweat, becoming a female boxer is a top choice that will benefit your mental health in the following ways.

3 Ways Becoming a Female Boxer Will Improve Your Mental Health

1. Build Self-Confidence

Learning different boxing techniques and honing your abilities will improve your self-esteem. You’ll feel more confident and powerful in your personal and professional life, willing to speak your mind and stand up for your ideas when communicating with others. As a female boxer, you’ll also know how to physically defend yourself.

2. Manage Aggression

Honolulu-Hawaii-female-boxerBoxing is a healthy, constructive way to manage frustration and anger. While punching and moving swiftly around the ring, your body will release endorphins, the neurotransmitters that elevate mood. When you’re stressed, hitting a punching bag or sparring with another female boxer will also provide a sense of satisfaction to help anger subside. 

3. Increase Focus

While boxing, you’ll have to focus on footwork and making contact with a moving target. You can’t have distracting thoughts when you’re facing an opponent. Being able to clear your mind and focus will improve your perspective outside of the ring as well, helping you achieve an inner calm.


If you’re looking to host a women’s boxing match, contact TM Productions in Honolulu, HI. With over a decade of experience, female boxer Tessa Moon is at the top of her game. She’s trained with  former California bantamweight champion Paris Alexander and Joel Kim at Palolo Gym. Visit the match-winning boxer online to learn more about her training background. To set up a fight with her, call (808) 291-7817.
