Boxing requires strength, agility, and focus. But even with those in your skillset, you’ll have greater success during both practice sessions and matches when you warm up properly. Here’s what you need to know to get ready for the ring.
The Benefits of Warming Up
You need to prepare your body before you engage in any physical activity. Warming up before an intense workout will loosen your muscles and improve your mobility.
When you’re more limber, you’re also less likely to sustain an injury. Blood flows to your engaged muscles, while light movements elevate your body temperature and reduce strain on the heart. With less stress on your joints, ligaments, and tendons, your body will be more prepared to engage in practice or a boxing match.
How to Warm Up Beforehand
Your pre-boxing warmup session should include some aerobic activity. You want to move your body around instead of remaining in a single position, as you would while performing static stretches.
Warm up for at least five to 10 minutes, which gives you enough time to raise your heart rate and break a light sweat. Jogging is a suitable option, as is jumping rope.
Strength training exercises, including pushups, lunges, and squats, allow you to work on specific areas of the body. Since it’s easy for arms and legs to become fatigued when you’re in the ring, these exercises will help you warm up and build endurance and stamina at the same time.
Whether you’re seeking a highly qualified boxer to compete against or someone reputable for your next tournament, trust in Tessa Moon of TM Productions in Honolulu, HI. The local boxing champion is a skilled athlete who has trained for more than a decade to achieve success in the ring. Visit her website to find out more about her background, or call (808) 291-7817 to organize a match.