3 Common Reasons a Drainfield Fails
Tanks get a lot of attention when talking about septic systems. However, the drainfield is just as vital to the function of your system as the tank. Composed of multiple pipes that disperse your system's water into a rock bed filter, this component ensures that the tank doesn’t overflow. Here are three reasons drainfields fail and why you should contact the professionals to fix them.
What Are The Causes of Malfunctioning Drainfields?
1. Poor or Non-Existent Maintenance
Your septic system’s maintenance needs are straightforward and necessary. If you don’t conduct regular septic inspections and pumping, solids that are disposed of down your drains, such as food and waste, can eventually reach the drainfield, clogging the pipes or occupying the soil and rocks around them. This will cause the field to back up and flood. Contacting a professional septic pump service for maintenance will help you avoid this issue.
2. Excess Water
If you add new people or a new water-based machine like a dishwasher to your household, you may flood your drainfield since both of these instances will likely result in increased water usage. Oversaturation of the field can also be caused by a leaking toilet or dripping faucet due to the consistent and continuous flow of water depositing into your septic system.
Regularly check your plumbing fixtures and watch for drain-off from roofs or roads that will flood your field. If you find excess water is the culprit for your failed drainfield, consult a septic expert for advice on how to improve drainage or reduce water usage.
3. Damaged Pipes
Building a playground, pool, driveway, or other heavy construction over your septic system’s pathway is a bad idea since you can easily damage it during construction. Also, these heavy sites compound the dirt and damage your pipes by causing them to compress and rupture or stop draining altogether.
Similarly, planting trees too close to the system also runs the risk of damaging pipes as their roots will grow towards the nearest water source. As they gradually invade your pipes searching for moisture, they will block the flow of water, leading to backups and costly septic repairs. Keep the ground above lines clear for efficient use of your drainfield. If you already have this issue, contact a professional for help to figure out the best way to move the construction projects or trees without damaging your system.
If you’re dealing with a failed drainfield, contact the professionals at Tim Frank Septic Tank Cleaning in Middlefield, Ohio. This trusted company provides septic inspections, sewer cleaning, septic treatments, and more, to keep your home and system running efficiently and smoothly. With the latest technology and proven customer service, they’re your reputable solution for all of your septic system troubles. Learn more about their services on their website or call them at (440) 636-5111 for more information.