
Talent shows are exciting for students and school staff. As the principal, you may be responsible for planning the logistics. Whether you’re hosting a talent showcase or competition, the event will all come together beautifully with the help of some qualified staff and students. From choosing trophies and awards to arranging the schedule, here’s everything you need to know.

How to Start Planning

First, choose a date and location at least 10 months in advance. Starting early gives participants a chance to prepare and administrators and performing arts teachers plenty of time to organize the show.

Then, establish committees to carry out various duties, such as promoting the show if it’s a fundraiser, designing the program and marketing materials, creating a website, encouraging students to participate, managing talent backstage, and operating light and sound. Enlist the drama club’s participation for assistance with technical elements to ensure the event goes smoothly.

Auditions & Emcees

You run the risk of overscheduling if you don’t hold auditions and limit the number of acts performing. Make this aspect of the event fun by advertising it throughout the school, including on the loudspeakers, your social media pages, and on banners and posters. Drum up excitement by offering incentives, such as a special feature on your school’s social media pages or the opportunity to win trophies and awards.

trophies and awardsChoose an emcee to engage with the crowd through light banter, introduce each act, and ensure that the show moves along. For this role, select a beloved teacher whose natural confidence will shine on stage.

Around three weeks before the talent show, hold at least one or two rehearsals to iron out any details that might need adjustments and ensure acts can stick to the schedule.

During the Event  

The big day is here. If you’re hosting a fundraiser, consider selling beverages and snacks during the intermission to support your cause.

Finally, prepare for the grand finale. Have the emcee congratulate all of the participants for their hard work, dedication, and willingness to join the festivities. Give out flowers or participation trophies and awards to everyone; it’s a thoughtful way to show your gratitude.


If you require high-quality trophies and awards for your upcoming talent show, turn to Trophy Outlet in Keokuk, IA, Wentzville, MO, and the surrounding areas. With over 30 years of experience, they offer a variety of beautiful prizes, including customized plaques, medals, and gifts. They even engrave awards in-house at no additional charge. Visit their website for more information, or call (636) 283-6167 to discuss your school’s needs.
