
Photography is a powerful tool that people often don’t use as much as they should. Recording your life in photos is valuable—not just for yourself but for posterity as well. It can serve an important purpose in preserving memories and cementing your family heritage.

Why Is Photography Important?

People often say that pictures are worth a thousand words. If you have ever looked through a photo album from years ago, you know what it’s like to relive those memories through the page. Photography can capture visuals in a way that brings you back to a spot and helps you remember things that you would have otherwise forgotten. As children get older, for example, it’s easy to forget just what they looked like and how they behaved during each stage of their childhood. Photographs document that growth so you can look back at that childhood and remember those precious years.

photographyThe time will come when your descendants will be asking their parents about you. Perhaps grandchildren want to know what you looked like when you were their age. Photographs are the best way to help them connect with their family heritage in a way that you haven’t been able to do with your ancestors. They can see what your daily life was like and get a feel for your personality—just through those pictures.

How Can You Preserve Your Heritage?

Schedule a family portrait at least once a year. These allow you to document the changes your family goes through each year. Those professional images from a family photographer will be high resolution with a great quality, so you can print them out large and put them on your wall. Also, carry a smartphone or camera around with you to document the other candid moments of your life. 


When it’s time to schedule a family photo, leave it to K Thaemert Photography in St. Charles, MO. Karen Thaemert has been a family photographer since 2006 and is all about capturing the true essence of your family. She has a lot of experience working with children in her photography studio, so she can navigate the challenges of capturing a young family. See some of her work in her online portfolio, and call (636) 947-5956 to schedule a photography session today.
