
If you and your partner have been trying to conceive and it hasn’t happened yet, take a moment to breathe. Many couples experience infertility issues and go on to have healthy children, while others look for alternative ways to start a family. Below is a quick guide about infertility in women to help you determine the best next steps. 

Causes of Infertility

There are many causes of female fertility issues, including reproductive disorders like endometriosis, or when uterine tissue grows outside of the uterus and blocks the fallopian tubes. Other causes include hormone imbalance-related ovulation disorders, such as polycystic ovary syndrome where eggs either remain undeveloped or do not get released during ovulation. 

Damage to the cervix can create fertility problems, as a shortened or narrow cervix prevents sperm from moving through the vagina quickly. Uterine fibroids are another cause and consist of tissue and cell accumulations which interfere with egg implantation or block the fallopian tubes. 

Other causes of infertility include being overweight and menstrual cycle issues. 

How Common Is It?

About 11% of women experience infertility during their reproductive years. Fertility decreases with age, as women are generally most fertile in their 20s. Couples are considered to have fertility issues after having regular unprotected sex without conceiving for one year. However, many go on to conceive during their second year of trying. 

What Are Ways to Start a Family? 

If you and your partner are having issues conceiving, there are many things you can do about it. Enjoying a healthy, active lifestyle and trying not to stress about conceiving is helpful, since being overweight, experiencing serious stress, and engaging in unhealthy activities like using tobacco and drinking alcohol are linked to infertility. There are fertility drugs and medical procedures that increase the chance of conception, such as medication that stimulates ovulation and IVF, or in-vitro fertilization. IVF involves taking sperm and an egg to make an embryo, then implanting it in the woman's uterus. If the embryo implants, the woman will likely enjoy a normal pregnancy. 

Surrogacy, or when another woman carries a child for a couple, is another option, as is adoption. What’s right for you depends on where you are on your fertility journey and what feels best for your specific needs. 

For help with infertility issues, make an appointment at Advanced OB-GYN Services. Featuring locations in Saint Peters and Bridgeton, MO, this OB-GYN and obstetrics center remains known for its caring, compassionate team. Call (636) 928-1800 (Saint Peters office) or (314) 291-2140 (Bridgeton office) today to book your appointment. You can also visit the website for service details. 
