
Glaucoma is a very common eye condition that affects the optic nerve of adults typically over the age of 60. Early diagnosis can be difficult because most symptoms don't reveal themselves until it's too late. Learning if you are at risk means you can get the proper eye care and treatments done quickly to preserve your sight. 

Are You at Risk of Glaucoma? 

1. Family History

Studies have shown that over half of glaucoma patients have a family member with glaucoma as well. It seems to be hereditary, which is why it is so important to speak with your family and see if glaucoma runs in your family. This way, older family members can have routine optometrist appointments to check on their vision and see if there are any early signs of glaucoma. 

2. Preexisting Medical Conditions 

eye care

Medical conditions like diabetes affect your risk for glaucoma due to the fact that diabetes can block the drainage system of the eye. Other conditions that may cause glaucoma are migraines, low blood pressure, thyroid disorders, or any injuries to the eye—like blunt trauma. If you have one of these conditions, consider scheduling an appointment with a trusted optometrist and receiving proper eye care. 

3. Ethnic Background

People of African and Caribbean descent as well as Latino people are at greater risk of developing glaucoma at an earlier age. It is about three to four times more common in African American people than in white people. Supposedly, this is due to the fact that African Americans have thinner corneas and larger optic nerves, which is another risk factor for glaucoma.


If you are looking for an eye care center in Chandler, AZ, look no further than Sonoran Desert Eye Center. Their optometrists regularly test for glaucoma and offer fittings for prescription eyewear or contact lenses. Call them today at (480) 812-2211, and visit their website to learn more about their services. 
