
Bone tissue is constantly being regenerated and destroyed. When the rate of regeneration decreases with age, bone tissue weakens and becomes less dense. In some people, this could lead to osteoporosis, increasing the risk of fractures and other issues. Fortunately, bone density testing provides greater insight into your health, helping you fight symptoms with supplements and lifestyle changes. Here's how to tell when it's time to schedule this test.

What Factors Could Indicate a Risk of Osteoporosis?

1. Curved Upper Back

A hump behind the shoulders and slightly below the neck is referred to as dowager's hump, a spinal deformity that can be caused by weakened bone tissue. As tissues break down, small compression fractures are more likely to occur. These fractures can result from seemingly harmless activities, such as lifting something heavier than you're used to. As the compression fractures heal, they can cause the spine to develop an abnormal posture, creating this bump. Compression fractures can also cause persistent pain, especially in the lower back. 

bone density testing

2. Dental Issues

Dental tissues connect teeth roots to the jawbone, which can be affected by osteoporosis. In fact, symptoms often present there first because the jawbone tends to be thinner than other bone tissues. 

Loosened teeth or gaps in your smile could indicate low bone density, especially if they worsen with time and you're diligent about dental care. A dentist can provide more insight into the causes of your dental conditions.

3. Family History

When immediate family members, such as parents or siblings, have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, you're more likely to develop it at some point in your life. The risk is also greater if an immediate family member has sustained a fracture related to a minor injury, as this can indicate that low bone density runs in the family. If you're aware of this risk factor and notice any of the signs above, schedule bone density testing to be safe.


If you've experienced any of the above signs of osteoporosis, it's time to schedule bone density testing at Main Street Radiology. Located in Bayside, NY, this clinic features 40 board-certified radiologists. They treat every patient with kindness and care to ensure a comfortable office visit. Learn more about the bone density testing process online, or call (718) 428-1500 to schedule an appointment today. 
