
Each person finds a path through life that most suits their personality and values. This can be true regarding how you earn a living, what you do on the weekends, and the choices you make on a day-to-day basis. These decisions can also influence how much you pay for a life insurance policy that will take care of those you love if you pass away. Here's a closer look at what insurance providers assess when assigning premiums to a policy.

What Voluntary Factors Impact How Much You Pay for Life Insurance?

1. Risky Profession

Since much of your life is spent at work, insurance providers must look at what you do for a living to determine the danger involved. Police officers, firefighters, soldiers, and pilots all experience a level of risk when performing their duties. Meanwhile, roofing, logging, and commercial fishing are examples of industries that have a higher likelihood of fatal accidents among workers.

If you work in a high-risk position and receive benefits through your company or municipality, it's wise to choose a higher level of employer-provided life insurance. If this isn't enough to give you peace of mind, consult an insurance agent to determine how best to supplement it.

2. Bad Habits

When requesting a quote for a term or whole life policy, an agent will ask questions about your health to determine which factors may shorten your life. Though many conditions are preexisting and can't be improved simply by choice, there are some that are within your control, such as being a heavy smoker or drinking to excess. 

Giving up these habits can improve your health significantly and reflect positively on an insurance assessment. If a doctor has advised you to lose weight, this is another way to positively impact the premiums of a life policy.

3. Negative Driving Record

life insurance

High-risk drivers are more likely to be involved in fatal accidents, so insurance providers must consider driving records as well. DUI convictions are particular red flags, as one person in the U.S. dies in a drunk-driving incident every minute. Luckily, adopting safer habits on the road, such as leaving earlier to get to destinations, getting an adequate amount of sleep, and driving defensively, can gradually clear your record and make you more likely to purchase an affordable policy. 

4. Dangerous Hobbies

If you work in a quiet, perfectly safe office cubicle, you may crave a little risk when you're off the clock. While this is admirable, there are pastimes that can affect how insurable you are. In general, activities that provide a rush do so because there's an inherent danger of death. Common hobbies include race car driving, skydiving, bungee jumping, and rock climbing. 


To build a life insurance policy that suits your unique lifestyle and budget, turn to Schaller & Thomas Family Insurance. Serving individuals throughout the West Valley, AZ, area for 20 years, these agents pride themselves on educating their clients and following through on every promise. To get a quote from this full-service, licensed insurance agency, call (623) 580-8688. Visit them online to learn more about their commitment to the ideal life policy.
