
Tire blowouts can be a scary experience. At highway speeds, drivers could lose control of the vehicle and sustain serious injuries. Fortunately, if you find yourself in this situation, you can call 24-hour roadside assistance. Professionals will tow the vehicle and call emergency personnel, if needed. The guide below discusses what you should do if you find yourself in this situation.

What Causes a Tire Blowout?

The primary culprit behind a tire blowout is the lack of proper tire maintenance. Signs of pre-existing damage like worn treads, punctures, abrasions, bulges, cracks, and sidewall blisters point to impending danger. Moreover, incorrect tire pressure leads to over- or under-inflation and the possibility of bursting, especially at extreme temperatures.

Overloading your vehicle may also result in blown-out tires, particularly if they are under-inflated and balding. The likelihood also increases if you drive over potholes, road debris, curbs, and rough pavements, as these conditions cause slow leaks that lead to burst tires.

How Can You Prevent a Blowout?

24-hour roadside assistance

The best way to avoid a blowout is to keep up with tire maintenance. It includes inspecting the tires for signs of injury and rotating them regularly for even wear and tear. If you notice shallow tread depths, opt to replace them, as driving on worn tires is dangerous.

Lastly, monitor air pressure frequently, especially when seasons change or temperatures fluctuate. When it’s warm out, the probability of burst tires increases because of rising pressure. Inflate the tires according to recommended levels.

What Should You Do When It Happens?

When your tire suddenly bursts, you’ll hear a loud sound and feel the vehicle veering to one side. Stay calm and grip the steering wheel to continue driving straight. Refrain from slamming on the brakes and jerking the wheel to correct your direction, as both actions can cause you to lose control faster and tailspin.

Maintain forward momentum by slightly accelerating to regain control, then ease your foot off the gas pedal to decelerate gradually. Once your speed drops to 30 mph, you can lightly apply the brakes. Pull over to a safe spot, turn on your flashers, and call for 24-hour roadside assistance.


When your tire blows out in Thomasville, NC, the experts at Garrett’s Towing & Recovery will provide 24-hour roadside assistance to get you to safety right away. As the trusted towing company in the area, their friendly team will change your vehicle's tires. If the vehicle has sustained additional damage, the company will tow your vehicle to an auto shop. Call (336) 476-3153 to request 24-hour roadside assistance or visit their website to browse their services.
