Subterranean termites are Florida's most destructive type of termite, for they dwell in soil and wood from underground. Subterranean termites live in a colony system which allows them to infest an area quickly. The colony has a class system of workers, soldiers, swarmers, and reproductive queens and kings.
The workers' job is to dig tunnels, care for the immature termites, and provide food to the rest of the colony. The soldiers' sole purpose is to protect the colony. Swarmers are rid of their wings once they find a place for the colony to infest and they then become reproductive termites. As a termite matures, they move up in the class system. Subterranean termites seek out moisture because of how easy it is for them to die in a dry environment. Worker termites reach damp wood by creating mud tubes made from the soil they nest in.
A termite's damage to wood can be very dangerous considering you usually can not detect it from the outside. Subterranean termites can also cause damage to building insulation, which can raise energy bills because the damage causes their insulation to lose its ability to insulate.
Subterranean termites can cause up to seven hundred million dollars in damage to Florida homes every year. GreenTec Pest Control, Inc. personnel are professionally trained to provide a quick and cost effective remedy to this menacing pest control problem. For more information contact GreenTec Pest Control for a free analysis and evaluation at (727) 847-6733 or visit our website
Written by:
McKenzie Keathley