
Winter weather can wreak havoc on a property, leading to numerous homeowners insurance claims for water damage each year. Fortunately, a little prep work can save you from the stress of schedule interruptions brought on by the related repairs. The following three steps can help you stay ahead of snow and ice.

How to Prevent Winter Water From Damaging Your Home

1. Insulate Pipes

Cold temperatures can cause plumbing to freeze. While losing access to fresh water is frustrating, it can also lead to serious damage. If ice expansion causes a pipe to burst, it can allow non-frozen water to flood your home, leading to structural issues, mold growth, and permanent harm to belongings, walls, and flooring. 

The most vulnerable sections of plumbing are those exposed to cold air. As such, adding an insulated wrap to pipes under sinks and in crawl spaces or basements can significantly reduce the risk of freezing. Additionally, you can drain and remove hoses from outdoor fixtures and protect them with insulated covers. 

2. Clean Gutters

homeowners insurance

Attics are usually warmer than the outdoors as heat rises within the home. As a result, snow and ice typically melt on the roof slopes. However, around the edges, it can reform into ice dams that push moisture back up onto the roof and allow it to seep under flashing and shingles. 

While it’s likely covered by homeowners insurance, extensive roofing repairs may require temporary relocation for the residents. The best way to prevent the blocks from forming is by providing the liquid with an uninterrupted drainage path. For that reason, it’s essential to clean the gutters and remove all debris that can create blockages, including leaves and twigs.

3. Clear a Path

Excess moisture around a home can penetrate small cracks in the foundation as it melts. When the temperatures drop again, it can freeze and cause the concrete to crack more extensively. Over time, this can lead to serious foundation damage and significant repairs.

Fortunately, keeping gutters clear will help direct moisture from the roof safely away through the downspout. Yet, it’s important to also clear a path around the base of the home to keep it as dry as possible. After snow, sleet, and freezing rain fall, you can shovel the perimeter of your home to prevent moisture from accumulating near your foundation.


Due diligence and a dependable homeowners insurance policy from Barnes and Howell Insurance in Gainesville, GA, can offer peace of mind that your home is protected this winter. The local agency provides personalized assistance selecting home and auto insurance policies for residents across Hall County. Learn more about their coverage options online, or request an insurance quote by calling (770) 718-0202.
