
Wearing braces is a popular way to straighten misaligned teeth and resolve other orthodontic issues. Unfortunately, dental complications can still arise while you have braces, including damaged roots. Although the root canal treatment process may look a little different if you have braces, it's important to address any concerns with a dentist promptly before they get worse. Here's what you need to know about root canals while you're undergoing orthodontic treatment.

How Is a Root Canal Performed?

In general, a root canal is recommended when the soft tissue, or pulp, inside a tooth becomes infected or inflamed. To preserve the rest of the tooth, a dentist will first numb the area around it. Then, they will drill through the enamel of the tooth to remove the infected pulp and clean the interior root canal. The dentist will then fill the tooth with either a filling or a crown to protect it and preserve its structure. Ultimately, going through this process can help patients avoid tooth extractions and maintain their original tooth despite an infection or bout of inflammation. 

How Do Braces Affect This Procedure?


If you have braces, you can still undergo a root canal procedure if necessary, as the structure of the braces does not interfere with the dentist's access to the interior of the teeth. Braces are applied to the outside of your teeth, while a root canal procedure involves the inner pulp and roots of your tooth. However, an orthodontist may decide to remove the braces before a dentist performs the procedure based on the type of braces, the type of filling, and the patient's comfort. 

What Are Some Root Canal Aftercare Tips?

You may experience some discomfort after a root canal once the numbing agent has worn off. If needed, the dentist can recommend an appropriate over-the-counter pain reliever to help manage any lingering discomfort.

It's also important to eat carefully following the procedure. Your teeth will likely feel more sensitive immediately following the procedure, and the treated tooth will be more vulnerable to damage while it heals. As such, it's best to avoid crunchy, chewy, and overly hot or cold foods. If possible, try to chew on the opposite side of your mouth for a few days to give the tooth more time to heal fully.

In addition, proper oral hygiene is essential to preserve the remaining teeth. Be sure to brush your teeth twice a day, floss every evening, and use mouthwash to clear away any lingering bacteria. This will not only protect the affected tooth but also help you avoid future procedures.


If you have braces and need a root canal procedure to preserve an infected tooth, turn to Cooper Family Dentistry in Gilbert, AZ. They are a knowledgeable, reliable, and family-oriented practice and have offered cosmetic and general dentistry services for local residents since 2013. Learn more about their dental services online, or call (480) 964-1000 to schedule an appointment with one of their dentists.
