
There are a few tips for managing your septic system in the spring.  Weather conditions change going from winter to spring and the water table is usually at it's highest in the spring.  As always, pumping out the septic tank regularly every 3-4 years is your best septic maintenance and also have your outlet septic filter cleaned as well, if applicable.  A dirty plugged up filter can cause an unpleasant septic back up. Some people add Yeast cakes to their septic tanks.  Yeast may be helpful if your family uses the septic system hard. A normal working septic tank usually has enough bacteria in it for breakdown of the solids, but yeast won't hurt if you want to add it.


Spring is usually a rainy season.  If you have downspouts to collect and divert rainwater, make sure to move them away from emptying onto any part of your septic system.  You may also find standing water over your leach field that has an awful septic odor, or septic effluent surfacing from your septic tank cover, indicating you may have a clog somewhere. If you find any of these symptoms, call in a septic professional to diagnose your septic problem.  


If you are anxious to get back to planting and gardening, remember, do not plant trees near your septic system.  The tree roots can invade your piping (they like to look for an underground water source) causing potential damage and an unexpected septic back up.


Have a septic system Camera inspection if you want to know how your system is working, and be proactive.  Being able to see a potential issue before it becomes a costly repair expense.


Call your local septic professionals, Abrahamson Septic LLC in Preston, CT for all your septic needs.

