
In the middle of a busy workday, your employees might just grab a quick bite or even skip lunch altogether to continue chipping away at their workload. But taking the time to share lunch with coworkers offers a number of benefits, even when the team is working at home. Learn why you should host virtual lunches for your employees to improve everyone's work experience.

3 Benefits of Having Virtual Lunches

1. Build Employee Relationships

Eating together allows everyone to get to know each other better. You can form or deepen friendships while commiserating about the challenges of the job or discussing its rewards. These connections raise workplace morale and team spirit. The results of such camaraderie will be evident in the quality of everyone's work. Also, eating lunch together can facilitate cross-departmental contact, so members in one department can learn how their work can better inform another's. 


Your team doesn't need to lose out on these relationships just because you're all working at home. Have lunches delivered to everyone so you can all sit down together with a video conferencing app.

2. Take a Break

A shared lunch gives employees a chance to step away from their desks and stress. Plus, a delicious lunch will energize workers with food and social interaction. Connecting with your employees and letting them socialize while you all eat—whether sharing details of the workday, laughing together, or swapping stories—can provide an instant mood boost. You'll all return to work feeling rejuvenated and ready to focus on the tasks at hand.

3. Get to Know Your Team

Your team likely comprises introverts and extroverts. If you're hoping to get to know everyone on the team, even the quieter people, having a meal together makes sense. A lunch with coworkers will encourage everyone to relax and step outside of their comfort zones. Ask open-ended questions to start conversations among the whole group, and call on the more reserved members to hear their thoughts, as long as you don't feel like you'll put them on the spot.


When you're looking to order a hearty meal for your team, turn to Da Ultimate Grindz Hawaii in Waipahu. Serving authentic Filipino and Asian cuisine as well as American food options, their menu spans breakfast, lunch, and dinner. For your convenience, they offer curbside pickup and delivery. Call (808) 888-3872 to place an order, or visit them online to explore their menu.
