
What Is Subluxation?

A Subluxation, also known as Vertebral Subluxation Complex, is a condition of the spine where alignment of the vertebra is altered and produces pressure on the nerves associated with that vertebra. This can result in local and radiating pain, tingling or numbness, reduced mobility and decreased proper function in the body.  Left untreated, Subluxations can lead to degeneration in the associated tissues and make it more difficult to treat and to heal.

A Subluxation can occur for a variety of reasons but the most common causes include car accidents, sports injuries, improper lifting, sitting too long, emotional stress, and even drug or alcohol use.


Who gets Subluxations?

The short and simple answer is ANYONE can get Subluxations, including children. And ANYONE can receive Chiropractic Adjustments, including children.


What Is An Adjustment?

Although medication can provide temporary pain relief, a Chiropractic Adjustment can remove the cause of the pain.

After an examination of your spine to determine location and direction of the subluxated vertebra, your chiropractor will perform a Chiropractic Adjustment, also known as a spinal manipulation,  to the affected vertebra. The Chiropractic Adjustment is a precise manual technique a chiropractor uses to realign the vertebra, or spinal bones, into proper position. This realignment takes the pressure off the affected nerves, restoring proper communication from the brain to the tissues that are served by those nerves, improving the mobility of the spine, and improving function in the body.

Contact North Pole Chiropractic in North Pole, AK, if you need help with pain from injuries, accidents, improper lifting, pregnancy, or if you feel good but know you can feel better. For over 20 years, Dr. Jack Harrison has provided pain relief for people experiencing neck and back pain related to Subluxations.  To schedule an appointment, call (907) 488-1885 today, or visit them online for more information on their personalized approach to chiropractic care.
