
The tuberculosis test, also called a TB test, is often administered to people who are seeking a job working with children or the elderly. HealthSmartVaccines in Chantilly, VA, offers TB tests at an affordable price while seeking to help patients understand the results of this common skin test. 

VaccinationA TB test is administered through an injection in the inner forearm. Results must be read within a window of 48 to 72 hours. Waiting to read the results outside of 72 hours will require the test to be redone. HealthSmartVaccines knows that some patients will be anxious for results, and while patients cannot read the results on their own, they can keep track of the injection site during the wait window. 

  • Do Not Cover Or Scratch: In order for results to be accurate, it is crucial that patients do not cover the injection site with a bandage of any kind. It is also important to not scratch or rub the injection site, which can cause swelling and redness that might obscure the real results of the test. You can wash the area as you would wash normally.
  • Check For Bump: Once inside the 48- to 72-hour window, you can use your fingertips to gently check for a bump at the injection site. If there is no firm bump, chances are the results of your TB test are negative. Even if there is soft swelling and slight redness, the absence of a bump probably means a negative result. If you have can feel a firm bump, this could be a positive result. Either way, in order to get real medical results, you must return to HealthSmartVaccines and have a medical professional determine the results. 
  • TB testTrack Changes: While you cannot determine the results on your own, you can track the progress of your TB test for your own peace of mind. If you find it helpful, you can also jot down notes on the changes you notice at the injection site to share with your doctor when you come in to find the results. 

In addition to administering TB tests, HealthSmartVaccines also provides vaccinations for infants, children, and adults. Whether you need a flu shot for winter, travel vaccinations before your big trip overseas, or vaccines for travel insurance, they can help. Visit their website to get more information, and call (703) 961-0733 to schedule an appointment. 
