
Have you ever wondered why it’s important to stretch? Whether you’re warming up for gym class or taking a marathon training course at Aisen Chiryo Doin in Honolulu, HI, stretching out your muscles is a crucial component of every workout session. In fact, failing to do so could lead to serious physical injury.

Here are a few reasons why stretching is important, explained by the marathon training team at Aisen Chiryo Doin:

  • muscle crampsImprove Flexibility: When you take 10 to 15 minutes before your workout or run to stretch, you’re training your body to become more flexible. By increasing your range of motion and improving your posture, you’ll see improvements in your balance and coordination as well.
  • Avoid Injuries: Before you go on a run, you should always warm up your muscles and then stretch them out to reduce the risk of injury. When muscles are “cold,” there’s always a chance that they can become sprained, which will lead to pain and delays in your marathon training routine.
  • Increase Heart Rate: An important aspect of exercise is that it increases your heart rate. With blood pumping more quickly through your body, you’ll endure a more intense workout; however, you should prepare your body for this by stretching first.
  • Prevent Soreness: When you complete a workout, don’t forget to stretch one last time to relax your muscles. This will decrease soreness the next day, leading to faster recovery times and an overall healthier day.

Stretching before marathon training is an essential part of your exercise routine. To learn more about proper workouts and steps to take in preparation for a long distance run, call (808) 596-7354 or visit them online today.
