
The success of any conference or professional networking event can hinge on what the keynote speaker brings to the table. In other words, finding the right person to captivate your audience is a must. Unfortunately, it can also be challenging. As long as you keep a few qualities in mind, though, you’ll be able to narrow down the options to find the perfect motivational speaker for the occasion. 

3 Qualities to Look for in a Keynote Speaker 

1. Relatable 

People are most inspired by those in whom they see a bit of themselves. As such, the best keynote speakers tend to be relatable. Even if they've achieved a fair amount of success, they’re still down-to-earth, and they never forget where they came from. 

2. Humorous 

keynote speakerPeople connect with one another through humor. Think about some of the most memorable speeches you’ve heard. Regardless of whether a commencement address or wedding toast comes to mind, it probably contained at least a few humorous observations. 

3. Adaptable 

Although professional speakers might include some version of their core message in every speech they give, they should modify it for the audience. Likewise, the talk itself should be tailored for the event. Your audience deserves a unique speech that no one has heard before, and an adaptable professional will understand this goal. 


If you need a keynote speaker who possesses all of the above qualities, look no further than Uledus Roseman LGIN. Based in St. Paul, MN, this individual knows how to inspire and awaken audiences of any size. A successful lifestyle coach, he is passionate about encouraging people to dig deep and find the determination they need to pursue their dreams. To get a taste of his speaking style, check out his YouTube videos. To book him for an event, call (651) 399-6042. 
