How Is Structural Steel Used in Construction?
Since 1890, construction crews have been using structural steel to erect a wide variety of impressive buildings. The iron-carbon alloy is prized for its strength, adaptability, and resistance to common threats—including fire, earthquakes, and severe storms. Thanks to its recyclability, this metal makes sustainable construction possible and affordable. To better illustrate everything structural steel fabrication can do, here’s a quick look at the most common projects built with this material.
5 Common Uses of Structural Steel
1. Skyscrapers
Many skyscrapers and high rises are crafted with this resilient metal—including the Willis Tower in Chicago. This is the highest structural steel building in the world, standing at 1,450 feet. Steel works well at these great heights because it is highly flexible and able to adapt to extreme winds without compromising stability.
2. Bridges
Thanks to the speed of structural steel fabrication, builders can quickly get the materials they need to complete massive bridges. The tensile strength of the metal also ensures that the structures can span wide distances without faltering under the weight of heavy traffic. This metal is also easy to repair with welding techniques, which can help communities avoid troublesome road closures.
3. Stadiums
As a highly abundant material, structural steel is the ideal choice for athletic stadium construction projects. This material allows you to build a more usable space with fewer materials. Builders can use the metal to create wide arenas for spectators, making it possible for people to see the field from many different perspectives.
4. Garages & Warehouses
The high strength-to-weight ratio of structural steel means that it can support its own weight without the need for numerous columns and beams. As a result, many construction teams prefer to use this metal to create buildings that require open space—such as parking garages, warehouses, and manufacturing facilities.
5. Residential Homes
Although steel is often used for larger construction projects, it’s just as useful for smaller structures, like residential homes. By reducing the need for support beams, steel homes allow owners to maximize their interior space. The lack of beams gives homeowners more interior design options, as well. They also resist common problems associated with wood-frame homes, such as water damage, mold, and fire susceptibility.
Whether you’re crafting a storage shed or an office complex, turn to Alabama Metals for high-quality structural steel at affordable rates. Based in Newton, AL, this structural steel fabrication company is equipped to produce custom-shaped materials to fit the design and support needs of your building. They offer custom metal products, such as railings and roofing materials. Call (334) 299-0117 to speak with a friendly representative about placing an order.