Day Care Center
Step up for kids of Fort Meade
25 N Seminole Ave, Apt C1, Fort Meade, FL 33841

About Step up for kids of Fort Meade

Trying to find consistent care for your child can be frustrating, especially if you have a busy schedule. At Step up for Kids of Fort Meade in Florida, you will find the compassionate, educational care your child needs.


This day care’s flexible hours and knowledgeable staff help make them the area’s No. 1 choice for child care services. As a state-of-the-art learning center, they prioritize the educational needs of the children in their care, promoting social and mental growth. Ensure your child has something fun to do this summer by enrolling them in summer classes.


Reach out to Step up for Kids of Fort Meade for more information on this day care. Call (863) 285-6440 to schedule a time to tour the facility.
