
Bail hearings are the initial step in criminal court proceedings and the first appearance a defendant makes after an arrest. At these hearings, you’ll have a chance to enter a plea while your attorney attempts to negotiate for a release amount that will enable you to afford a bail bond. You likely won’t have much time to prepare before a hearing, especially if you’re incarcerated, but there are some steps you can take to achieve the best possible outcome.

How to Get Ready for a Bail Hearing in New Haven

1. Hire an Attorney

Even if you think the prosecution’s case is thin or you’re not charged with a serious crime, it’s always best to hire a defense attorney before you’re released from jail. They may be able to prove to the court that you’re not a flight risk while getting an immediate start on the facts of your case. Many bail bond agents offer referrals to accomplished attorneys with a positive reputation in the community.

2. Enlist Help

bail bond

You may not want to tell your family and friends that you’re in police custody, but they can be helpful in securing your release. First, let your employer know that you’ll be absent for several days, then contact your family and closest friends.

They can start working to find a trusted bail bond agency before your hearing and collect employment records and other documentation that show you're not a flight risk. Along with guiding you toward a trusted attorney, your bondsman can start working on securing your release as soon as the judge sets an amount. 

3. Know What to Expect

A bail hearing is typically a relatively straightforward proceeding, with only the judge, the prosecutor, you, and your attorney present. You won’t get a chance to argue your case at this stage, so the best approach is to say as little as possible. Interrupting the proceedings can seem disrespectful to the judge, who may view out-of-turn comments in a negative light.


If you or someone you care about has been charged with a crime in New Haven, our bail bond agents at 3-D Bail Bonds will help ensure their release as quickly as possible. We’ve been serving the community for 23 years and have worked with every law enforcement agency in the area, including East Haven, Hamden, West Haven, Woodbridge, and any nearby Connecticut police department. Visit our office on Dixwell Avenue today. To speak with a bail bondsman or local bail agent in New Haven or Hamden, call (203) 562-6666. Follow our Facebook page for more tips and news, and learn about state bail bond laws online
