
Coffee is a must for many people, whether they start their day with a steaming hot cup or grab a latte for an afternoon pick-me-up. While it may be delicious and energizing, this beverage can stain your teeth. Fortunately, you can reduce discoloration and still get your caffeine fix with professional teeth whitening and a few other measures.

How to Keep Coffee From Staining Your Teeth 

1. Use a Straw 

Sipping your coffee through a metal or paper straw can keep it from ever touching your teeth, preventing stains. It might feel odd to drink hot coffee this way, but if you're committed to keeping your teeth white, it's an effective method. 

2. Switch to Decaf

Changing up your typical order can help you maintain white teeth. One reason coffee leaves stains is that it contains polyphenols, plant-based micronutrients. 

Although they have antioxidant benefits, polyphenols also contain compounds—like tannic acid—that are used in dyes. Decaffeinated coffee contains fewer polyphenols, so switching out at least some of your daily intake can reduce staining. 

3. Add Milk 

Adding milk to your coffee can limit stains by lightening the color and neutralizing the polyphenols. Animal-based milk has proteins that bind to the polyphenols and keep them from sticking to your teeth. Keep in mind that this doesn't apply to flavored creamers, which contain extra sugar that can increase plaque buildup on your teeth and make stains worse. 

4. Invest in Professional Teeth Whitening 

professional teeth whitening

A dentist can help you achieve a bright, white smile with in-office whitening treatments. The methods used by dentists are more effective than over-the-counter options, and the results last longer. Having your teeth professionally whitened may also encourage you to maintain stain-avoiding behaviors to preserve the results. 

5. Brush & Floss 

Brushing and flossing do more than prevent cavities and gum disease. By cleaning your teeth after drinking coffee, you can remove staining before it becomes permanent. If you can't brush right away, at least rinse your mouth with some plain water to remove the coffee from the surface of your teeth.


If you're looking for professional teeth whitening treatments, turn to Richmond Hill Family & Cosmetic Dentistry in Bryan County, GA. Serving patients in Southeast Georgia for over 30 years, this cosmetic dentist offers a wide range of dental services to ensure your teeth remain healthy and white. Learn more about the practice online, or call (912) 756-3880 to schedule an appointment.
