
An underbite is a dental condition in which the lower front teeth extend further outward than the upper set. This issue can be cosmetic, but it can also contribute to a variety of oral health problems. Here's what you should know about the condition and how a dentist can help.

What You Need to Know About Underbites

What causes underbites?

Most people who have an underbite have a lower jaw that protrudes slightly further than the upper jaw. This naturally makes the bottom row of teeth sit in front of the top row. The size and positioning of the teeth can also play a role; for instance, bottom teeth that are larger or grow in crookedly may crowd out upper teeth.

How do they affect oral health?

Because of the abnormal jaw positioning common with an underbite, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) is a major concern. TMJ is a painful dysfunction in the hinge that connects the skull to the jaw. 


People with underbites also have an increased risk of bacterial growth in the mouth, resulting in noticeably bad breath. However, for many, the primary issue with an underbite is cosmetic, and many patients want the problem corrected to improve their appearance and confidence. 

How are they treated?

A dentist can diagnose an underbite and provide treatments to reduce the risk of the associated bacterial growth, cavities, and bad breath. However, they may need to refer you to an orthodontist for more intensive work. 

Braces can be highly effective at correcting underbites. There are also devices that can be worn to reshape the jaw, like an upper jaw expander to move the upper jaw outward; a chin cap to limit the growth of the lower jaw; or a special face mask that draws the upper jaw forward. Some folks may need more invasive treatment, such as tooth extractions or surgical repositioning of the jaw.

When should they be treated?

The sooner the problem is dealt with, the better. Ideally, a patient should start underbite treatment when still a child. At a young age, the jaw can be manipulated more easily to correct the underbite. However, adults can still benefit from some of the treatment options discussed above. Consult your dentist to find the most appropriate solution for your needs.


If you want to know more about correcting your underbite, the dentists at Richmond Hill Family & Cosmetic Dentistry can help. They've served patients throughout Southeast Georgia since 2008. They offer general and cosmetic dentistry procedures and take great pride in guiding their patients to healthier smiles. They also practice in-house orthodontics and can also provide referrals, depending on the problem. Call (912) 756-3880 to schedule an appointment, or visit them online to learn more about their services.
