What's the Difference Between RGB & CMYK?
RGB and CMYK are two different color modes. If you work in a visual field, like graphic design, it's important to understand the difference. The color mode will impact the final appearance of a project, depending on where and how it's displayed—for example, in a digital versus print format. An understanding of color modes also lets you calibrate the computer monitor so that what you see on the screen is accurately conveyed after it goes through the printer's ink cartridge. Here's more information about these two modes.
RGB stands for red, green, and blue. This is the best color space to use for digital products, like web graphics, app buttons, social media background images, and infographics. Digital devices have their own light sources, which mix with the red, green, or blue pigments on the screen to produce diverse hues.
As a designer, you can control certain elements, like saturation and vibrancy, by adjusting the three source colors. This process manipulates how the light on the screen mixes.
CMYK stands for cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. This is the best color space to use for printed products, like stickers, stationary, signs, brochures, vehicle wraps, and business cards. You can also print on merchandise, like T-shirts, pens, and mugs.
A printing machine creates different hues using a combination of these four inks, which are stored in the ink cartridge. A printed image starts blank white, then layers of the various colors are added to produce the desired shade.
If your printer is experiencing technical problems, and the colors aren't as vibrant as you'd like, turn to Alpha Laser Richmond of Staten Island, NY. These professionals have been in business since 1993, providing reliable printer repairs and new ink cartridges. To get more information about their products and services, send a message online or call (718) 317-1263.