
Learning a new language is a valuable skill that can benefit your child in many ways. Studies find that being bilingual supports better performance in school. It also expands kids’ horizons and helps them learn about new cultures in deeper, more meaningful ways. Here are key reasons you may want to incorporate language learning as part of their early childhood education.

Why Learning a Second Language Benefits Kids

1. Boosts Their Confidence

Learning new information can instill in your child a sense of accomplishment. Because exploring a new language pushes children to step outside of their comfort zones, it gives them an opportunity to learn what they’re truly capable of achieving. As they master new concepts, they’ll feel proud of what they’ve grasped. 

When they apply the language to different situations, whether they’re sharing a word or a sentence with you or watching a television program in the language, they’ll be even more confident in their abilities. That kind of self-esteem boost can be invaluable at a young age and help them succeed in school.

2. Expands Cultural Curiosity

early childhood education

Curiosity is activated and engaged throughout childhood. During these formative years, kids are constantly exposed to new events, people, places, and activities. When they learn a new language, they’ll tap into that innate curiosity about the world and apply it to the new culture they’re exploring. 

Through learning the language, they’ll find out about that culture’s customs, foods, beliefs, and communities. They’ll develop an understanding of life beyond the confines of what they know and grow to appreciate and respect others’ backgrounds.

3. Encourages Quick Fluency

The opportunity to learn a new language as part of early childhood education can have a lasting impact. An MIT study found that kids are best able to achieve fluency when they learn by the age of 10. Adults can learn a new language but may have a hard time committing it to memory. The younger your child, the easier it is for them to replicate what they hear and pronounce words with an accent similar to that of a native speaker.

At Tiny World Child Care Inc., positive growth is encouraged in a bilingual classroom. Proudly serving families throughout Brookline and Newtonville, MA, the child care center offers a comprehensive early childhood education program that includes Spanish classes, arts, crafts, games, stories, music, science, and cooking, among other valuable subjects. Visit the website to learn more about how they can help your child grow, or call (617) 232-0115 to discuss enrollment.
