
Infant care is both an art and a science. While all babies have basic needs, the way parents meet them is unique to their child. Choosing between breast milk and formula is one such example. Both formula and breast milk provide essential nutrients and hydration. Parents often choose based on a combination of factors, such as the physical ability to nurse and the baby's ability to latch. Whether you're interested in using formula to supplement or replace nursing, this guide will help you understand the basics.

What Kinds of Infant Formula Are Available?

Cow-Based Formula

The majority of infant formulas are derived from cow's milk and contain lactose and minerals naturally found in dairy. The milk protein is modified to be more like human breast milk, making it easier to digest, and the product is fortified with other essential vitamins and minerals. However, some babies have adverse reactions to the proteins and natural sugars in this formula, so you will need to select a different option and discuss the issue with their pediatrician.

Soy-Based Formula

infant care

Soy-based infant care products don't contain lactose, so they're often gentler on babies' stomachs if they've already exhibited a cow's milk intolerance. However, there is a key distinction between allergies and dietary intolerance. Some babies who are allergic to cow's milk also have trouble with soy formula, so have your child's pediatrician verify whether they're also allergic to soy products. 

Protein Hydrolysate Formula

This formula has proteins that have been hydrolyzed, or broken down into smaller particles for easier digestion. These products are designed for babies who have protein allergies and cannot have cow’s milk or soy formula.

How Do You Make Infant Formulas?

Infant formula comes in three preparations: instant, powdered concentrate, and liquid concentrate. The instant type doesn't need to be mixed with water, just heated up. This is convenient, but it is also the most expensive option. Both powder and liquid concentrates need to be mixed with water before feeding and tend to be more budget-friendly. No matter which type you choose, always wash your hands before making the formula and follow the instructions on the label closely.


Every parent needs some support, and Tiny World Child Care Inc. in Brookline, MA, has your back, whether you need part- or full-day coverage. Their infant care program helps babies acclimate to a new environment and begin learning about their senses and motor skills. Call (617) 232-0115 or visit their website to learn more about enrollment.
