
If you put a teething baby and sick baby side-by-side, they both may exhibit the same behavior. They may appear distressed and uncomfortable, but there are some key symptoms that they probably wouldn’t have in common. It’s important to check your little one’s symptoms each day as part of your infant care routine to make sure they aren’t ill. Below are a few symptoms that indicate your little one is teething.

How to Know If Your Baby Is Teething or Ill

1. Drooling 

Excessive drool is a classic sign of teething in young babies and toddlers. As infants cut new teeth, they’ll salivate more than usual. On the other hand, a more common symptom for sick babies is a stuffy or runny nose. 

2. Constant Chewing

Teething babies love to chew on items as they cut new teeth. The pressure helps relieve some discomfort, and chewing keeps them preoccupied so that the pain isn’t as noticeable. If your baby is constantly putting items in their mouth, they are most likely teething. 

3. A Low-Grade Fever

infant careA teething baby might run a low-grade fever for several days in a row. This is normal, and your infant might not even show signs of discomfort due to the fever.

If your baby is sick, their fever might be more severe and persistent than a teething-related fever. Check your baby’s temperature as part of your infant care routine. A normal temperature is 97 F, so if your little one has a fever above 100.4 F for more than two or three days, it’s crucial to take them to a pediatrician for a checkup right away. 

4. Irritability 

Fussy babies are common, but teething can cause your infant to feel especially distressed and upset. Teething distress tends to come and go in waves. Your little one will cry or touch their gums, but the irritability will soon decrease. A baby who is sick, however, will steadily cry throughout the day without relief. If your little one consistently cries and nothing soothes them—including a teething ring or a baby bottle—take them to a trusted doctor to diagnose a potential underlying illness.



If you have questions about infant care, get in touch with Tiny World Child Care. Their skilled caregivers engage with and teach children through music, science, hands-on play, and language practice. Located in Brookline, MA, they accept new enrollments throughout the year. Learn about their programs by calling (617) 232-0115 or visiting their website
