
Insight Technical Advisors introduces P360 Secure

According to industry experts, the three main cybersecurity threats in 2021 are 1) the expanding battlefield created by work at home, 2) Ransomware as the weapon of choice and 3) physical IT infrastructure threats. Some research indicates that ransomware attacks increased by 435% in the last year, with payouts growing to nearly $234,000 on average. Our experience is that fixing a breach can cost upwards of $5,000 per day in IT costs alone, not including the damage to your business and productivity. 

In response, Insight Tech Advisors has created Protect 360 Secure. This service provides “enterprise grade peace of mind”. It creates a Safety Net, an underlying layer of managed detection and response tools that evicts hackers hiding in plain sight. These tools prevent and remove both known and unknown threats – so you can defeat every attack. 

The threat is real. Covid has expanded the battlefield, and criminals are wasting no time exploiting your vulnerabilities. Now, with P360 Secure – your arsenal to combat the threat is just as real – all at a surprisingly low cost. 

To get started, Insight offers a FREE Dark Web Scan and an IT Security Evaluation. Contact us today to learn more. or 919-245-7883

