
Selling scrap metal can be an easy and efficient way to make money. However, you should know how to identify each kind and where to find these materials. Various types of scrap metal are worth different amounts, so it’s important to know the difference. Check out five of the most common types of scrap metal below.

Common Kinds of Scrap Metal

1. Aluminum 

Aluminum is easy to find, as this material is used to make your average soda can. You may also notice it in foil and screen doors or find aluminum wiring in your air conditioning unit. This is a light material that does not rust and is recyclable.

2. Brass

Brass is a yellow-brown color and is often found in air conditioning units. It’s a component of a lot of older furniture, such as doorknobs or bed frames. In addition, many musical instruments contain this metal. Older technologies often used brass wiring, so take a look if you have any outdated electronics around the house.

3. Copper

scrap metalAlthough copper is a common material, it’s more valuable in comparison to other metals. You can find copper in plumbing systems, kitchen sinks, and appliances. You’ll probably come across copper that is a brown or red color, but it’s actually pink in its purest form. It can even turn green over time due to oxidation, as displayed by the Statue of Liberty.

4. Lead

Lead is heavy and powerful— so powerful that it’s toxic. At the same time, it’s soft enough to carve into. This metal is difficult to mine, so recycling the metal can be helpful for others. The material is often used in X-rays machines, ammunition, and batteries. Confirm that your recycling center accepts the lead and ask them for recommendations for safe handling. You will likely need personal protective equipment, like gloves.

5. Steel

Stainless steel is used for a lot of products, so there’s always a large need for it. Many kitchen appliances will contain stainless steel, as it’s as stylish as it is practical. Everything from sinks to silverware can be recycled, but keep in mind it’s harder to recycle steel that is magnetic. This can affect selling prices. 


If you have scrap metal to sell, contact Holmes Iron & Metal in Salisbury, NC. With over 40 years of experience, this company is highly knowledgable about the various kinds of metals. They’ll offer you top dollar for what you’ve gathered. In addition, they offer demolition and container rental services. For more information, visit them online or give them a call at (704) 633-6119.
